28 July 2008


Well, well, well.... so many tools, so little time. I absolutely adore the library thing web site. I started adding my collection and I still have so much to add. This I will definitely use!!!! I am often in Barnes & Noble and Borders looking for new books to read by my favorite authors and others. There are times that I sit there and wonder "have I read this one already? Did I get it at the library or did I buy it?" and so on. Now I will be able to get my book list on my mobile phone and know for sure!!! Yipee!
As for Zoho writer, is isn't too terrible either. It will be a good offering for the students who don't have compatible word processors on their computers. I was able to upload some of my old files that my present Word could not. I can now convert from word to works to publisher on zoho with no problem what so ever. That's pretty damn useful. I think I will add a link on my Moodle site so the kids in my classes can get it if necessary. And, I am so jazzed about google sites. I didn't realize it was so easy to make my own site. This is definitely something I will use. As the quote..."I have got to get me one of these!" says, I will definitely be using this one. Hence the ...so many tools, so little time comment!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for using Zoho Writer! Glad that you are finding it useful.

Try all the other Zoho services too.


Barb said...

What a good idea to link zoho to your moodle you cross-platformer girl, you!