07 July 2008

The Beginning

Welcome to my very first real blog. That sounds so strange. Who ever heard of blogging 5 years ago? As I am doing this for a class I have decided to set this up for my students (and anyone else) to use. I will be posting all kinds of things that may be of interest to my classes and other information. The topics will be anything from genetic mutations , cool pictures or postings to just about anything I find to be cool and of interest. So... stay tuned and see what I come up with. The picture

is of what I hope not to see on my Florida vacation next week! TTFN


Barb said...

I see those things in the pool at the Y all the time!

Paulze said...

I would be interested to see what you set up for your class. This definitely has potential....it's just making it intriguing enough so they might WANT to use it!

Maeve said...

Yikes! Why isn't that surfer running out of the water instead of going in?