20 July 2008

The RSS: Relatively Serious Scanning

OK, I just signed up for RSS feeds on Google Reader. May I just say... there is way too much information to be had! In time I should be able to consolidate what I need and thank the gods for the star feature in Google Reader. At least I can keep track of the information I want to access again with out too much trouble. And, if I am searching elsewhere, all I have to do is look for the little icons that let me link up to my reader with anything new I find. Does anyone have any good educator sites I can add to my feed list?


Barb said...

edublogs is a nice clearing house for that sort of thing. Also, you can always skip over things with google reader if you feel overwhelmed. It took me a long time to get over the feeling that if I had it on my feed it HAD to be read!

Anonymous said...

I have picked up a couple of ideas for ways to use RSS by reading this particular blog. I'll have to investigate the "star" feature, because I too am feeling as if my reader page contains way too much information. I certainly will skip over things. I'm also going to check into edublogs to see what that's about.

Ceilidh said...

I am so impressed with your blog archive. Something else I need to figure out! The edublogs sounds like something I should check into.