28 July 2008

YouTube & Podcasts & ebooks

First, YouTube is a pretty cool site. You do have to watch it though. Some of the stuff I came across was a bit risque and so not appropriate for school kids. I can't believe some of the stuff they let people post. But, the education stuff is great! I now have a bunch more stuff to add to my powerpoint lectures for class. My sister has been watching her spanish soaps on YouTube for a couple of months now. I love that you can find things in other languages too.

The podcasts have some merit too. I know mugglenet is pretty popular with the Harry Potter crowd! But, I found a few of good ones on global warming, nature, and animals. My favorite is called Nature and I had a great time learning about the mapping of the platypus genome. There were some pretty technical ones that I had trouble keeping up with but most were interesting.

And then there were the ebook sites. This will be a good resource for online research for kids who can't get to the library. I was not able to find anything for leisure reading but I did find textbooks and other types of books I can use for my classes. And yet again, more information that I need to keep up with. Talk about being web-aware! TTFN


Barb said...

My kids watch Japanese manga on youtube! It is amazing...

Suzanne said...

My three (almost 4!) year old just got a library book about a platypus. He couldn't figure out if it was a bird or not. I told him it was a mammal and would try to find him a picture of a real one. I'll have to check out the Nature site you found.