20 July 2008

Trading Cards

OK, I just used Big Huge labs trading card creator. Could anything be easier?! I am thinking that this will be an excellent way to introduce The 5-6 Kingdoms to my students. They can make their own cards on each of the phyla present on our world today. The site also has other types of thgings to create with and I know my kids...oops, students, will love this. This was fun. The picture was one I took on vacation - gotta love how nothing runs away in Florida. I get great photos down there.


Suzanne said...

I was thinking about using it in class too but couldn't decide how to have the students present them. Should I find a secure site for them to publish them or just have them print thme out and then tape them to the classroom walls?

Barb said...

Nice work! As for presentation, you can have them make a powerpoint, or open a class flickr account or put them up on a wiki. Or Print them out and display them. Your options are pretty open!