20 July 2008

`Web 2.0 Choices

OK, as I was going through the award winners for Web 2.0, I came across several that I already use. For example, craig's list, which is a cool place to get great deals on just about anything. As for new ones that can be used in class by my students or I, comiqs was one. This one allows the user to create comic strips which will be good to show changes in a situation. Galaxiki was just cool and if I was still teaching middle school science, having kids create and share their own solar systems is a cool way to learn about space. Wufoo I will definitely use for the forms and surveys. Yourminis.com should be fun to use too.

As for personal stuff, my sister-in-law mentioned stumble to me the other day. Needless to say, I added that to my toolbar. It can be pretty addicting though. I find myself saying just one more stumble and then I keep going. Since it is personalized to a person's own tastes and interests, you never know what's coming next. And then there is cocktail builder! What a cool idea! And so I am off to ... stumble? build a cocktail? create a new solar system?....TTFN

1 comment:

Barb said...

I love stumbleupon, too! Paul Cohen showed it to me which I find ironic since I believe part of his job is to make his colleagues MORE productive rather than less so... Although I do look at some librarian-y stuff on there too.
I really like your blog-voice. I hope you keep this up after the class!