20 September 2008

Mutant Frogs

Who says living near toxic waste is safe???!!! Check out the frogs in this picture. What on earth is wrong with their legs!?! Amphibians are easy species to study for mutations due to environmental changes. They reproduce quickly and with many offspring per mating. All they need is a little water (their eggs dry out without it) and they are good to go. Can you thing of any other creatures that might be good to study mutations due to changes in the environment?

08 September 2008

Is This For Real?

This photograph is showing a man made island some where on our lovely planet. Do you think that this is for real or is it photo shop? Let me know what you think.

05 September 2008

Any Guesses?

This specimen was found growing in the mulch on the side of my sister's yard in northern New Jersey. The only other thing near it were some pine trees. If you click on the photo it will pop up larger so it can be seen clearer. Anyone have a guess what it is? If you're specific, you get credit!!

03 September 2008

A Place Called Earth

This photograph always makes me wish science fiction stories were real. I would love to be able to hop into my ship an go visit Jupiter's moons or another system half way across the galaxy! I wonder if it will ever happen? The imagination is about the things we just don't know enough to do....YET!